America First Republicans' Gathering in Detroit, Michigan

Top America First Republicans and conservatives are gathering in Detroit, Michigan, ahead of the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin. The event organized by Turning Point Action aims to course correct from 2020 and win battleground states like Michigan by focusing on 'Chase the Vote' efforts.

Key Points

  • Focus on 'Chase the Vote' to target low propensity voters
  • Trump's potential path to victory in 2024 via key battleground states
  • Emphasis on training activists to effectively engage in political organizing


  • Focused efforts to win battleground states like Michigan
  • Inclusion of various conservative leaders and activists
  • Training sessions for activists to engage in 'Chase the Vote' efforts


  • Highly partisan and politically charged event
  • Emphasis on winning at all costs rather than fostering unity
  • Potential for further division in an already polarized political landscape