Controversy Surrounding 'Star Wars: The Acolyte' Series on Disney+

The 'Star Wars: The Acolyte' series on Disney+ has sparked controversy among fans for its queer and woke themes, leading to a divide in the 'Star Wars' fandom. Critics have panned the series for its departure from franchise canon and narrative choices, while some defend it as a necessary update to the franchise.

Key Points

  • The series has faced backlash for its queer and woke themes
  • Critics and fans are divided on the direction of the franchise
  • Some see it as a necessary update while others criticize it for deviating from the original vision


  • Introduces diverse themes and characters to the 'Star Wars' universe
  • Challenges traditional narratives within the franchise


  • Divides the 'Star Wars' fandom
  • Criticism for straying from established canon and storytelling