House Ethics Committee Investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz

House Ethics Committee investigators have interviewed several women who were witnesses in the DOJ probe into Rep. Matt Gaetz, with some alleging payments for sex and drug-filled parties. Gaetz denies all allegations and claims exoneration in every investigation. The committee continues to review allegations of sexual misconduct, drug use, and obstruction of government investigations.

Key Points

  • Multiple women allege receiving payments from Gaetz for sex and attending drug-filled parties
  • Gaetz denies all allegations and claims exoneration in every investigation
  • House Ethics Committee continues to review allegations of sexual misconduct and obstruction of government investigations


  • House Ethics Committee conducting thorough investigation
  • Multiple witnesses cooperating with the committee
  • Potential for uncovering important information regarding Gaetz's actions


  • Serious allegations of sexual misconduct and drug use
  • Resistance from the Justice Department in sharing information
  • Ongoing controversy and public scrutiny surrounding Rep. Gaetz