Nigel Farage's Political Ambitions for 2029

Nigel Farage is planning to campaign for outright power in 2029, with a clear path to Downing Street by winning in Clacton and leading a realignment on the Right. The article discusses the potential scenarios that could lead to his rise to power.

Key Points

  • Farage's plan involves winning in Clacton and leading a realignment on the Right
  • Potential for a new Conservative party to emerge in 2029
  • Farage could become the official leader of the opposition


  • Farage has a clear and credible path to Downing Street through winning in Clacton and realigning the Right
  • Potential for a new party, New Conservatives or Reformed Conservatives, to emerge in 2029


  • There are challenges and uncertainties in the political landscape that could impact Farage's path to power