Illegal Alien Luis Portillo-Henriquez Arrested by ICE for Multiple Convictions Including Child Abuse

Illegal alien Luis Portillo-Henriquez, who entered the U.S. 14 years ago, has a history of criminal convictions in Maryland including drunk driving, driving without a license, and sexually abusing a child. He has been convicted multiple times and was recently nabbed by ICE for deportation.

Key Points

  • Luis Portillo-Henriquez is an illegal alien from El Salvador who entered the U.S. more than a decade ago
  • He has been convicted of drunk driving, driving without a license, and sexually abusing a child in Maryland
  • Portillo-Henriquez was recently arrested by ICE and is pending deportation


  • ICE successfully apprehended a dangerous criminal who had been evading authorities for years


  • The individual had a long history of criminal activity in the U.S., including child abuse