Louisiana Law Requiring Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Louisiana passed a bill requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, funded by donations. Other states are also working to restore the commandments in schools. Some groups criticize the law as unconstitutional and a violation of separation of church and state.

Key Points

  • Louisiana is the first state to pass such legislation
  • Displays to be funded by donations, not state funding
  • Other states like Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah are also working on similar efforts
  • Controversy over constitutionality and separation of church and state


  • Restoring moral foundation in schools
  • Reflecting historical significance of the Ten Commandments
  • Promoting civil morality and self-government


  • Criticism for imposing Christianity on students
  • Concerns about violation of separation of church and state
  • Potential discrimination against religious minorities