The Movie 'Jaws'

On June 20, 1975, the movie 'Jaws' directed by Steven Spielberg opened in theaters in the United States. The film tells the fictional story of a great white shark terrorizing a New England beach resort town, becoming a blockbuster and the highest-grossing film until outpaced by 'Star Wars.' The legacy of 'Jaws' includes setting the precedent for the term 'summer blockbuster.'

Key Points

  • Film released on June 20, 1975, directed by Steven Spielberg
  • Based on the bestselling novel by Peter Benchley
  • Legacy includes setting the precedent for 'summer blockbuster'


  • Iconic film that became a blockbuster and highest-grossing movie
  • Set the precedent for the term 'summer blockbuster'


  • Steven Spielberg regrets the negative impact on great white sharks' population due to the portrayal in 'Jaws'
  • Sequels did not match the success of the original film