VIP Migration Packages Offered by Mexican Cartels

Mexican cartels offer VIP migration packages through dangerous tunnels from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso, Texas, where migrants pay at least $6,000 to $15,000. Criminal organizations have shifted focus to human trafficking due to higher profits. Corruption among authorities facilitates the smuggling operations, leading to violent turf wars and migrant exploitation.

Key Points

  • VIP migration packages through tunnels from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso cost at least $6,000 to $15,000
  • Mexican cartels have shifted focus to human trafficking due to higher profits compared to drug trafficking
  • Corruption among authorities facilitates the smuggling operations
  • Migrants face exploitation, violence, and extortion during their journey


  • Provides a glimpse into the dangerous world of human trafficking and corruption in border cities
  • Raises awareness about the exploitation of migrants by criminal organizations


  • Highlights the lack of action by governments to address the root causes of migration
  • Reveals the extent of corruption among Mexican authorities