Cooling System at 2024 Paris Olympics Athletes' Village

The 2024 Paris Olympics Athletes' Village will be cooled using a system of water pipes beneath the floor instead of air conditioning. Many countries are planning to provide portable air conditioners for their athletes due to concerns about high temperatures. The lack of AC has sparked criticism and protests, but Paris organizers remain committed to sustainability. The report also highlights the risks of competing in extreme heat and the efforts to address climate change in sporting events.

Key Points

  • Paris Olympics Athletes' Village will be cooled by water pipes beneath the floor
  • Many countries plan to provide portable air conditioners for their athletes
  • Paris organizers emphasize sustainability and trust in science
  • Report highlights risks of competing in extreme heat and calls for climate-conscious sports events


  • Environmentally friendly cooling system
  • Reduction in carbon impact
  • Long-term sustainability benefits


  • Concerns about high temperatures impacting athletes' performance
  • Criticism from countries opting to provide portable air conditioners
  • Protests and threats due to lack of air conditioning