Rising Sea Levels Threaten Ayetoro, Nigeria

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
The coastal Nigerian community of Ayetoro, once known as “Happy City,” is facing extinction due to rising sea levels, with buildings sinking into the Atlantic Ocean. Residents are struggling to combat the threat as corruption and mismanagement hinder efforts to protect the shoreline. The community has lost nearly 60% of its land in the past three decades, with factors like oil drilling, deforestation, and erosion contributing to its disappearance.

Key Points

  • Rising sea levels are causing the coastal Nigerian community of Ayetoro to disappear
  • Factors like oil drilling, deforestation, and erosion are contributing to the community's loss of land
  • Residents are facing challenges in rebuilding and maintaining their way of life


  • Residents are losing their homes and livelihoods to the sea
  • Efforts to protect the community have been hindered by corruption and mismanagement