Supreme Court Decisions Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Attack and Other Major Disputes

The Supreme Court is set to make decisions on cases related to the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attack, including Trump's immunity from criminal charges and the prosecution of his supporters. Other major disputes on abortion, homelessness, and social media platforms are also pending. Trump's involvement in the court's work is notable this year as he runs for president.

Key Points

  • Decisions on Trump's immunity, Capitol riot prosecutions, and Bannon's case pending
  • Other disputes on abortion, homelessness, social media, and regulatory power also to be decided
  • Trump's frequent presence in court cases this year as the presumptive nominee for president


  • Important decisions on key legal issues
  • Potential impact on Trump's legal situation
  • Addresses significant disputes like abortion, homelessness, and social media regulation


  • Potential for feeding narratives about court's political leanings
  • Criticism over handling of cases and delays in decisions