Potential Bird Flu Pandemic and The Wellness Company's Contagion Emergency Kit

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield predicts a bird flu pandemic, prompting recommendations for stockpiling flu medications. The Wellness Company offers a Contagion Emergency Kit with life-saving prescriptions for purchase online.

Key Points

  • Prediction of a bird flu pandemic by former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield
  • Recommendations for stockpiling flu medications by experts like Dr. Eric Ding
  • Creation of the Contagion Emergency Kit by The Wellness Company
  • Availability of prescription-only life-saving medications through online purchase


  • Promotes preparedness for potential health emergencies
  • Provides access to life-saving medications through an online prescription service


  • May create unnecessary panic or fear among the public
  • Could potentially lead to overstocking of medications