Deadly Mpox Outbreak in DR Congo

A new deadlier strain of mpox that transmits more easily between people is causing deaths, miscarriages, and spreading in the Democratic Republic of Congo, potentially affecting neighboring countries. Researchers are warning of the urgent need for preparedness and containment measures.

Key Points

  • The new strain of mpox is more easily transmitted and 10 times deadlier than previous strains.
  • It is causing deaths, miscarriages, and spreading rapidly in DR Congo, with potential to affect neighboring countries.
  • Researchers emphasize the urgent need for preparedness, containment measures, and access to vaccines and treatments.


  • Researchers are actively studying the outbreak to understand and contain the new strain.
  • Identification of the mutated clade Ib strain can aid in developing targeted vaccines and treatments.


  • The new strain is significantly deadlier than previous strains, with high mortality rates among children and adults.
  • Transmission via non-sexual contact and miscarriages are major concerns, indicating potential widespread impact.