Kenyan Police Arrive in Haiti to Combat Gang Violence

Kenyan police officers arrive in Haiti to help quell gang violence, as the country faces a surge in crime and insecurity. The U.N.-backed mission aims to restore public order and security in a country plagued by violent gangs controlling much of the capital.

Key Points

  • Kenyan police officers arrive in Haiti to assist in combating gang violence
  • Gangs control 80% of Haiti's capital and have caused widespread insecurity
  • Previous U.N. peacekeeping mission in Haiti faced allegations of misconduct
  • Socioeconomic factors contribute to the existence of gangs in Haiti


  • Presence of foreign police may help restore public order and security in Haiti
  • International support and solidarity for Haiti's National Police
  • Efforts to address socioeconomic factors contributing to gang violence


  • Past allegations of abuses against Kenyan police officers
  • Challenges in predicting gang reactions to the mission
  • High cost of the multinational police deployment