Contradictory Claims on American Wages Under Biden

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Sen. Tim Scott offer contradictory claims on the impact of inflation on American wages. Yellen argues wages have increased since the pandemic, while Scott claims they have decreased under Biden. Various economic metrics show a decline in real wages and incomes under Biden compared to pre-pandemic levels.

Key Points

  • Different timeframes used by Yellen and Scott lead to differing conclusions on wage trends under Biden.
  • Real wages have not kept pace with inflation since Biden took office.
  • Various economic metrics show a decline in real wages and incomes under Biden compared to pre-pandemic levels.


  • Real wages and incomes have slightly increased since before the pandemic.
  • Analysis of various economic metrics shows a decline in real wages and incomes under Biden.


  • Contradictory claims from Yellen and Scott cause confusion.
  • Different timeframes for analysis lead to varying conclusions.