Upcoming Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

SOURCE www.cnn.com
The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in Atlanta is predicted to be one of the most crucial in US history, unfolding earlier than usual and under intense circumstances. Both candidates are expected to focus on each other's weaknesses and policies, with high stakes due to Trump's disruptive behavior and Biden's need to showcase vitality. The debate is seen as a pivotal moment in a closely contested election, with significant implications for the future of the nation.

Key Points

  • Early and critical debate in a closely contested election
  • Focus on policy differences, personal attacks, and candidate weaknesses
  • High stakes due to Trump's disruptive behavior and Biden's need to demonstrate vitality


  • Opportunity for voters to hear from both candidates directly
  • Chance for candidates to address key policy issues and showcase their strengths


  • Potential for personal attacks and contentious exchanges
  • Risk of gaffes or missteps that could impact public perception