Upcoming Presidential Debate Between Biden and Trump

SOURCE www.yahoo.com
The upcoming presidential debate between Biden and Trump is seen as a crucial moment for both campaigns, with each side strategizing on how to make the other 'self-destruct' on live TV. Trump's team is advising him to be less aggressive and not take the bait from Biden, in order to avoid a repeat of his contentious 2020 debate performance. Trump's campaign is also pushing the idea that Biden needs to be drug tested ahead of the debate. Trump has been holding closed-door policy discussions to prepare for the debate, with some advisers recommending he be assertive but not overly aggressive. The outcome of the debate remains uncertain, as Trump grapples with how to present himself on stage.

Key Points

  • Campaigns strategizing on how to make opponent 'self-destruct'.
  • Trump's team advising him to be less aggressive and avoid falling into Biden's traps.
  • Focus on avoiding a repeat of Trump's contentious 2020 debate performance.
  • Trump holding closed-door policy discussions to prepare for the debate.
  • Recommendations for Trump to be assertive but not overly aggressive during the debate.


  • Opportunity for each campaign to sway swing and independent voters.
  • Potential for a more civil and productive debate compared to previous encounters.


  • Risk of one candidate 'self-destructing' on live TV.
  • Uncertainty surrounding Trump's behavior and how it might impact the debate.