Bovine Colostrum Custard Tart at Mýse Restaurant

Guests at Mýse restaurant in North Yorkshire are served a bite-sized custard tart made with sweetened bovine colostrum. Chef Josh Overington draws inspiration from historical recipes to create provocative dishes that challenge traditional ingredients. Colostrum, known as 'liquid gold', is the first milk produced by female mammals after giving birth and is rich in protein and antibodies. Other chefs and farmers around the world use colostrum in various dishes and products, highlighting its health benefits and unique flavor.

Key Points

  • Bovine colostrum is the first milk produced by female mammals after giving birth
  • Rich in protein and antibodies, colostrum is considered 'liquid gold'
  • Chefs around the world use colostrum in various dishes, highlighting its unique flavor and health benefits
  • Colostrum is also available in sports supplements and wellness products


  • Unique and provocative dish that sparks conversation
  • Rich in protein and antibodies, offering potential health benefits
  • Utilizes less-common ingredients to create a modern twist on historical recipes


  • Limited availability and high cost of bovine colostrum
  • Some may find the concept of using colostrum in food unappetizing