Lawsuit Alleging Material Support to Hamas

Lawsuit alleges Iran, Syria, and North Korea provided material support to Hamas for mass murder in Israel. ADL and law firm Crowell & Moring LLP file lawsuit in federal court. U.S. citizens injured or killed during Hamas' invasion. Victim families seeking justice for atrocities committed on Oct. 7.

Key Points

  • Lawsuit filed in federal court in the District of Columbia
  • U.S. citizens affected by Hamas' mass murder in Israel
  • Iran, Syria, and North Korea accused of providing material support to Hamas
  • Efforts to hold state sponsors of terrorism accountable under the Terrorism Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act


  • Seeking justice for victims of Hamas' atrocities
  • Holding state sponsors of terrorism accountable
  • Creating a record of Hamas' brutal actions


  • Legal battles against countries known for supporting terrorism
  • Difficulty in enforcing judgments against foreign countries