Controversy over San Francisco App Allowing Livestreaming of Nightclubs and Bars

A new app in San Francisco allows users to watch livestreams from trendy nightclubs and bars, sparking controversy over privacy concerns and lack of consent from patrons. Some bar owners support the app as a way to promote the local scene, while others criticize it for invasion of privacy.

Key Points

  • App called 2night allows users to watch livestreams of San Francisco bars and clubs
  • Controversy arose due to recording patrons without their permission
  • Some bar owners support the app as a way to attract customers, while others criticize it for privacy concerns


  • Provides users with the ability to check livestreams of bars and clubs to determine the vibe before going
  • May help promote local nightlife scenes and attract customers


  • Recorded patrons without their permission, leading to privacy concerns
  • Some bar owners objected to being listed on the service without consent
  • Potential for misuse and invasion of privacy by bad actors