Donald Trump's New York Criminal Trial Delayed

The judge in Donald Trump's New York criminal trial approved a delay in sentencing after his lawyers requested more time to review the potential impact of the Supreme Court's immunity decision. Trump's team wants the felony conviction on 34 counts related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels tossed out. The sentencing hearing is delayed until at least September 18.

Key Points

  • Judge approved delay in sentencing
  • Trump's lawyers want felony conviction tossed out
  • Prosecutors do not oppose delaying the sentencing hearing
  • Bragg has not indicated the type of sentence he will seek


  • Trump's lawyers have more time to review the impact of the Supreme Court's immunity decision
  • Trump's sentencing is delayed, ensuring it won't happen before the Republican National Convention


  • Uncertainty about how the Supreme Court's immunity decision will affect Trump's other criminal cases
  • Prosecutors believe Trump's arguments to toss the verdict are without merit