Imprisonment of Guatemalan Journalist José Rubén Zamora

Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora was arbitrarily imprisoned for his investigative reporting on corruption. The United Nations' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled that his arrest was in violation of international law and urged for his immediate release and compensation.

Key Points

  • José Rubén Zamora was imprisoned for alleged financial crimes but was actually targeted for exposing corruption through his newspaper
  • The United Nations' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found Zamora's arrest to be in violation of international law
  • Calls for Zamora's immediate release and compensation for the violations of his rights


  • Recognition of the violation of international law regarding arbitrary detention
  • Call for immediate release and compensation for José Rubén Zamora


  • Injustice and violation of human rights
  • Threats, attacks, and shutdown of the independent newspaper 'elPeriódico'