Personalized Heritage Trips with Kensington Tours and Ancestry

Kensington Tours and Ancestry offer personalized heritage trips for people to connect with their ancestors' history by visiting their places of origin. Elizabeth Dobson took a trip to England to trace her great-great-grandfather's footsteps, visit his gravesite, and see his paintings in museum storage.

Key Points

  • Elizabeth Dobson's journey to England to learn about her great-great-grandfather
  • Ancestry genealogists collaborate with Kensington Tours to create custom trips
  • Visits to specific locations related to family history, such as gravesites and museums
  • Opportunities to meet long-lost relatives in ancestral hometowns


  • Provides a unique opportunity to connect with family heritage
  • Allows travelers to visit the places where their ancestors lived
  • Offers personalized experiences tailored to individual family histories


  • May be costly depending on the destination and extent of research required
  • Not suitable for travelers looking for traditional tourist experiences