Vogue's July Issue featuring Jill Biden

SOURCE nypost.com
After Biden's poor debate performance, Vogue's July issue featuring Jill Biden came under criticism for being tone-deaf and tacky. The article portrays her as an everywoman and the president's eyes and ears, despite concerns about Joe Biden's age and mental acuity.

Key Points

  • Criticism of Vogue's portrayal of Jill Biden as an everywoman and the president's eyes and ears despite concerns about Joe Biden's age.
  • The article's failure to address Biden's advanced age and physical/mental decline.


  • The article is criticized for being tone-deaf and tacky given the context of Biden's poor debate performance.
  • Concerns are raised about Joe Biden's age and mental acuity in the portrayal of Jill Biden as the one guiding him in decision-making.