Oklahoma Death Row Inmates Request Firing Squad as Alternative to Lethal Injection

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Two Oklahoma death row inmates are requesting a firing squad as an alternative to lethal injection, citing concerns over the current method's constitutionality and effectiveness. The inmates want to delay their upcoming executions until a trial can be held to determine the legality of the lethal injection process. Testimonies from experts and officials shed light on the potential benefits of using a firing squad as a more humane and reliable execution method.

Key Points

  • Inmates Donald Grant and Gilbert Postelle are seeking a delay in their executions to challenge Oklahoma's lethal injection method.
  • Expert testimonies suggest that a firing squad could be a more efficient and less error-prone method of execution.
  • Officials described contrasting experiences with recent lethal injections, highlighting concerns over the current process.


  • Firing squad may be a quicker and more humane method of execution compared to the three-drug lethal injection.
  • Experts suggest that a firing squad involving shots to the heart would be quick and relatively painless for the inmate.


  • Oklahoma has never used firing squad as an execution method, and current protocols only cover lethal injection.
  • Legal proceedings are ongoing to determine the constitutionality of the lethal injection process.