Satanic Temple objects to Governor's push for more religion in schools

The Satanic Temple objects to Governor Ron DeSantis's push for more religion in Florida's public schools and states that members could act as student chaplains. The temple sees this as an equal opportunity to restore the tenets of Christianity to public education and highlight violations of the separation of church and state.

Key Points

  • Members of the Satanic Temple could act as volunteer chaplains in Florida public schools
  • The temple sees this as an opportunity to emphasize the importance of separation of church and state
  • Governor DeSantis's push for more religion in schools has led to potential conflicts with minority religions like the Satanic Temple


  • Highlighting violations of separation of church and state
  • Promoting religious freedom and equal opportunity in public schools


  • Potential controversy and backlash from religious groups and conservative politicians
  • Legal battles and challenges against the state of Florida