Israeli Government Funding Covert Online Influence Campaign in the U.S.

Israeli government funded covert online influence campaign targeting U.S. lawmakers over Gaza war. Websites linked to Israeli political consulting firm STOIC aimed to sway Democratic support for Israel. Former ambassador criticized the campaign, tech companies found no traction online. Israeli Minister denied allegations, researcher raised concerns about spreading hate and fear. Other reports found similar fake accounts tied to STOIC. Israel has a history of digital media influence efforts.

Key Points

  • Websites tied to STOIC funded by Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs.
  • Campaign aimed to influence Democratic members of U.S. Congress.
  • Former Israeli ambassador criticized the interference.
  • Tech companies found no significant impact of the campaign online.


  • Efforts to maintain support for Israel among U.S. lawmakers.
  • Utilizing digital media for influence campaigns.


  • Potential manipulation of public opinion.
  • Spreading hate and fear through online content.