Cyanide Poisoning in Bangkok Luxury Hotel

Cyanide found in blood of six people who died in a luxury hotel suite in Bangkok, with initial post-mortem examination pointing to cyanide as the cause; further tests ongoing. Victims of Vietnamese origin, with two having dual US citizenship. Police suspect one of the deceased was behind poisoning due to debt. Traces of cyanide found on teacups used by victims. Deaths made international headlines, prompting urgent investigation by Thai PM.

Key Points

  • Cyanide found in blood of all deceased
  • Traces of cyanide on teacups used by victims
  • Lack of oxygen and dark purple lips and nails indicative of cyanide poisoning
  • Victims of Vietnamese origin, two with dual US citizenship
  • Police suspect one of the deceased was behind the poisoning due to debt


  • Thorough investigation being conducted to determine cause of deaths
  • Forensic evidence pointing to cyanide as the likely cause


  • Tragic loss of six lives
  • Uncertainty surrounding motive and exact circumstances