Impact of Latino Voters in U.S. Elections

Arizona Latinos played a significant role in propelling Democrats to power in the 2020 election. President Biden missed an opportunity to address Latino voters due to testing positive for COVID-19. Latino support is crucial in swing states like Arizona. Biden needs to make a strong case to Latino voters beyond just focusing on immigration policies.

Key Points

  • Arizona Latinos played a significant role in the 2020 election
  • President Biden missed an opportunity to address Latino voters due to COVID-19
  • Latino support is crucial in swing states like Arizona
  • Candidates need to focus on a range of issues beyond just immigration to appeal to Latino voters


  • Growing Latino voter turnout can influence election outcomes
  • Highlighting key issues like healthcare, education, and immigration can resonate with Latino voters


  • Latino support for candidates is not guaranteed and requires active courting
  • Negative messaging around immigration policies can alienate Latino voters