Democratic Nominees for 2024 Presidential Election

The New York Times found Vice President Kamala Harris to be the least 'electable' among potential Democratic nominees to replace President Joe Biden in 2024. The decision to replace Biden was seen by some as a 'coup.' Harris faces challenges due to her intersectional candidacy and radical policies.

Key Points

  • Harris ranked as least 'electable' by the New York Times
  • Challenges in key swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
  • Potential appeal in states like Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania


  • Harris benefits from likely unified Democratic establishment
  • She can press the case against Trump on abortion rights
  • Would be the first female president and second nonwhite politician in the Oval Office


  • Harris has a feeble electoral track record
  • Challenges among the electorate due to intersectional candidacy and radical policies
  • Low favorability among ages 18-34