First-Generation Gen Z Americans Considering Leaving the U.S.

Some first-generation Gen Z Americans are feeling hopeless and considering leaving the U.S. due to high costs of living, student debt, health care issues, and political chaos. They are opting to move abroad to countries like Turkey and Qatar for a better quality of life. The concept of 'doomism' is popular among Gen Z, who feel disillusioned with the American dream. Despite some trade-offs, they are confident in their decision to leave the U.S.

Key Points

  • Gen Z Americans are feeling disillusioned with the American dream due to various challenges in the U.S.
  • Many are opting to move abroad for a better quality of life despite some trade-offs
  • The concept of 'doomism' is prevalent among Gen Z, leading to a desire to leave the U.S.


  • Opportunity for a better quality of life in other countries
  • Escape from high costs of living, student debt, and chaotic political system in the U.S.


  • Trade-offs such as giving up the right to vote by moving to countries like Qatar
  • Feelings of guilt over leaving the place their parents worked hard to make home