9/11 Attack Plotters Reach Plea Agreements

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
Three men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, have reached plea agreements in the military commissions process to plead guilty to lesser charges that could spare them the death penalty. The plea agreement is seen as a step towards accountability for the attacks and justice for the victims and survivors.

Key Points

  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two others accused of plotting 9/11 have reached plea agreements
  • The defendants are expected to plead guilty to lesser charges to avoid the death penalty
  • The delays in the legal process have been attributed to seeking to cover up torture details of detainees


  • Plea agreements could lead to accountability for the 9/11 attacks
  • Justice for the victims and survivors


  • Unclear details of the plea agreement
  • Delays in the legal process