Market Volatility and Brokerage Outages

Major brokerages like Charles Schwab and Fidelity Investments experienced outages on Monday, leaving users frustrated amidst market volatility. The issues coincided with a sell-off in stocks and cryptocurrencies fueled by fears of a potential U.S. recession.

Key Points

  • Outages at major brokerages coincided with a tumultuous trading session marked by a sell-off in risky assets.
  • Fears of a potential U.S. recession, weak economic data, disappointing earnings, and geopolitical tensions contributed to market volatility.
  • Technical problems during extreme market volatility raise questions about brokerages' ability to handle high trading volumes.


  • Brokerages like Fidelity and Schwab were able to resolve the outages, providing relief to affected investors.


  • Outages at major brokerages during periods of high market volatility can impact user access and raise concerns about capacity to handle trading volumes.