US-Israel Relations and Foreign Policy

Congressman David Kustoff traveled to Israel to launch the House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group, highlighting strong support for Israel and criticizing the Biden-Harris administration's foreign policy. He emphasized the need for the US to stand with Israel in its fight for survival.

Key Points

  • Establishment of first official forum between US and Israel legislative bodies
  • Historical recognition of Israel by President Truman and close relationship between US and Israel
  • Emphasis on need for US support in Israel's fight for survival


  • Establishment of House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group strengthens communication between US and Israel
  • Highlighting unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish people
  • Emphasis on shared values of freedom, liberty, and democracy


  • Criticism of progressive Democrat colleagues and Biden-Harris administration for mixed messages and lack of support for Israel
  • Disagreement with Biden-Harris administration's foreign policy decisions