Democratic Men Supporting Vice President Harris

Democratic men are reaching out to male voters to support Vice President Harris, focusing on using their gender to send a political signal and creating a permission structure for men to support a Democratic woman at the top of the ticket.

Key Points

  • Organizing efforts like White Dudes for Harris, Men for Harris, and Dads for Kamala are aimed at reaching out to men voters
  • Leaders believe that having successful men endorse a Democratic woman makes it easier for other men to support her
  • Different groups of men have different motivations for supporting Vice President Harris


  • Creating a permission structure for men to support a Democratic woman at the top of the ticket
  • Showing support for a woman of color in politics
  • Encouraging men to rethink traditional gender roles


  • Men as a group vote substantially more Republican than women
  • Challenges in shifting perceptions of masculinity and political party support