NASA Debate on Boeing's Starliner Safety

NASA officials are debating the safety of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft to return astronauts stranded on the International Space Station due to concerns about the reliability of the reaction control system thrusters. Contingency plans include a potential rescue mission using SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft.

Key Points

  • Concerns about the reliability of Starliner's thrusters impacting the return of stranded astronauts
  • Potential SpaceX rescue mission to bring astronauts back to Earth
  • Debate within NASA on the safety of flying astronauts back on Starliner or opting for the SpaceX mission


  • Healthy internal discussions within NASA about safety concerns
  • Contingency plans in place for potential rescue mission using SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft


  • Uncertainty around the reliability of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft thrusters
  • No agreement reached on the sufficiency of flight rationale for crew safety