Florida Congressional Race: Mara Macie vs. John Rutherford

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Mara Macie, a congressional candidate in Florida's Fifth District, is running against establishment Rep. John Rutherford, highlighting his alleged failures to represent constituents. Macie's campaign is gaining momentum with high early voter turnout and concerns about Rutherford's voting record and ethical conduct.

Key Points

  • Mara Macie is running an insurgent campaign against establishment Rep. John Rutherford in Florida's Fifth District.
  • Rutherford is criticized for voting against constituents' wishes and engaging in questionable financial activities.
  • Early voter turnout suggests strong support for Macie and dissatisfaction with Rutherford's representation.


  • Mara Macie is energizing voters and challenging the establishment in Florida's Fifth District.
  • High early voter turnout indicates growing support for Macie.
  • Macie is emphasizing the importance of representing constituents' interests in Congress.


  • Allegations against Rep. John Rutherford include failure to properly represent constituents and questionable voting practices.
  • Claims of unethical behavior regarding stock trades and conflict of interest.
  • Accusations of fraudulent practices by Rutherford's supporters during the primary.