Swift Boating in Politics: From John Kerry to Tim Walz

SOURCE www.npr.org
The term 'swift boating' refers to unfair or untrue political attacks, originating from a smear campaign against John Kerry during his 2004 presidential bid. The tactic resurfaced recently in the questioning of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz's military record.

Key Points

  • Swift boating involves unfair or untrue attacks on a candidate's record
  • John Kerry was a victim of swift boating during his 2004 presidential campaign
  • The tactic resurfaced in the questioning of Tim Walz's military record in 2024


  • Sheds light on historical smear campaigns in politics
  • Raises awareness about the impact of false political attacks


  • Undermines the credibility of military veterans in political campaigns
  • Creates a divisive and negative political environment