Protests Against Israel at Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Nearly 100 organizations are planning to protest against Israel outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, aiming to pressure Democrats to adopt anti-Israel policies. The protest has faced challenges and is linked to left-wing activist hubs sympathizing with Hamas. The Biden-Harris administration has called for de-escalation in the Middle East amid attacks on Israel.

Key Points

  • NGO Monitor report on organizations planning to protest against Israel at DNC in Chicago
  • Concerns raised by Republicans over Vice President Kamala Harris' stance on Hamas
  • Democratic Party urged to stand against antisemitic hatred and violence
  • Influence of dark money groups like Tides Center and WESPAC Foundation in funding anti-Israel protests


  • Highlighting the influence of left-wing activist hubs sympathetic to Hamas
  • Drawing attention to the pressure on Democrats to adopt anti-Israel policies
  • Shedding light on the challenges faced by the protest outside the DNC


  • Potential for harassment and intimidation of DNC delegates and participants
  • Accusations of antisemitic hatred and violence
  • Involvement of organizations with terrorism ties