Despite the Americans with Disabilities Act being passed over 30 years ago, many curb ramps and sidewalks are still not wheelchair-accessible. An Indiana program called Skills on Wheels is helping children in wheelchairs navigate obstacles and gain confidence in using their wheelchairs.
Key Points
More than 30 years after the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, many curb ramps and sidewalks are still inaccessible to wheelchairs
Skills on Wheels program in Indiana helps children with disabilities learn essential skills for navigating obstacles
The program also provides socialization opportunities and safety techniques for parents
Skills on Wheels program helps children in wheelchairs gain confidence and learn essential skills for navigating obstacles
Provides socialization opportunities for children using wheelchairs
Empowers parents with safety techniques to assist their children in using wheelchairs
Insurance companies may not cover the cost of rehabilitation for wheelchair skills training
Limited focus on hands-on wheelchair training in occupational therapy programs