Comparison of Wealth and Business Ventures between J.B. Pritzker and Donald Trump

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, in a speech to the Democratic National Convention, claimed to be an 'actual billionaire' unlike former President Donald Trump. Pritzker inherited his billions from his family's successful business ventures. Trump also benefited from his father's wealth but on a smaller scale, primarily in real estate development. Pritzker faced criticism for dodging property taxes.

Key Points

  • Pritzker inherited billions from his family, who started successful business ventures like Hyatt and Ticketmaster.
  • Trump benefited from his father's wealth and invested primarily in real estate development.


  • J.B. Pritzker has inherited a significant fortune from his family's successful business ventures.
  • Donald Trump has made successful investments in real estate, despite facing bankruptcies.


  • J.B. Pritzker faced criticism for allegedly dodging property taxes by removing toilets from one of his mansions.