Underground Lair in the Philippines Reveals Alleged Abuse by Religious Cult

SOURCE www.dailymail.co.uk
Video reveals haunting conditions of underground lair in the Philippines where women were allegedly held against their will and abused by a religious cult. Police conducted a dramatic raid on the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound in search of preacher Apollo Quiboloy, who is accused of criminal activities including child abuse and human trafficking.

Key Points

  • Video footage exposes squalid conditions and mistreatment of women
  • Allegations include confinement, abuse, and exploitation of women by the cult
  • Police search for preacher Apollo Quiboloy, accused of criminal activities
  • Backlash from KOJC members during the raid resulted in injuries and detainment of individuals


  • Exposure of alleged abuse within the church
  • Dramatic police raid sheds light on the situation


  • Tragic death of an individual during the clashes outside the compound