Various News Stories

Billionaire Telegram founder Pavel Durov indicted on charges including spreading child abuse images, drug trafficking. Former President Trump shared TikTok video violating federal law. False claims of noncitizen voting used as pretext to raise obstacles for voters. Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to have joint interview on CNN. Paul Robeson, an important figure in Black history, to have all recordings available in new book and box set. Ukrainian diaspora celebrates Independence Day in traditional attire in Washington, D.C. Murder suspect crashes through ceiling while hiding in Memphis home.

Key Points

  • Indictment of Pavel Durov on serious charges
  • Violation of federal law by former President Trump
  • False claims of noncitizen voting impacting elections
  • Upcoming joint interview with Harris and Walz on CNN
  • Release of all recordings of Paul Robeson in new book and box set
  • Celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day by diaspora in traditional attire
  • Murder suspect's unusual attempt to evade authorities


  • Information on current events
  • Insight into important figures in history


  • Negative news about criminal charges and false claims