Pavel Durov's Response to Indictment by French Authorities

Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, responds to indictment by French authorities, refuting claims and criticizing charges as 'misguided'. Durov acknowledges Telegram is 'not perfect' but states they have taken down millions of posts and channels daily to make the platform safer. He was indicted on charges including complicity to spread child abuse images and traffic drugs, and failure to comply with law enforcement. Durov was ordered to post bail and placed under court monitoring in Paris.

Key Points

  • Durov refutes claims against Telegram
  • Telegram has taken down millions of posts and channels daily
  • Durov acknowledges Telegram is 'not perfect' and is working on making the platform safer
  • Indicted on charges including complicity to spread child abuse images and traffic drugs
  • Ordered to post bail and placed under court monitoring in Paris


  • Durov defends Telegram against accusations
  • Acknowledges Telegram's efforts to make the platform safer
  • Shares details of his experience after being detained


  • Indicted on serious charges including complicity in spreading child abuse images and drug trafficking
  • Ordered to post bail and placed under court monitoring