Impact of Climate Change on Coffee Prices

The price of high-quality arabica coffee beans is expected to increase due to climate change affecting coffee-growing regions like Brazil and Vietnam. Experts warn of rising costs for consumers and businesses in the coffee industry.

Key Points

  • Price of high-quality arabica coffee beans spiked to $3.50 a pound, up 70% this year
  • Climate change leading to droughts, frost, floods, and high temperatures affecting crop yield
  • Experts emphasize the need for investments in agricultural research and development to mitigate impacts of climate change
  • Coffee prices expected to increase by 50 cents to $1 a pound in the near future


  • Increased awareness of the impact of climate change on agricultural production
  • Encouragement for investment in agricultural research and development


  • Rising costs for coffee lovers and businesses in the coffee industry
  • Potential decrease in availability of high-quality coffee beans