Pregnant Woman Diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma

Pregnant Chicago woman diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma after a nagging cough leads to a shocking medical discovery; doctors at Northwestern Medicine save her and her baby's life.

Key Points

  • Pregnant woman experiences severe coughing fits and shortness of breath leading to the discovery of a large tumor.
  • Doctors at Northwestern Medicine perform emergency cesarean section to deliver a healthy baby boy and remove the tumor.
  • Woman undergoes immunotherapy before surgery to shrink the tumor and later undergoes surgery to remove the tumor and part of her main pulmonary artery.


  • Doctors at Northwestern Medicine successfully saved the woman and her baby's life.
  • The tumor was successfully removed, and the latest scans showed no evidence of metastatic melanoma.


  • The woman had to undergo a risky surgery to remove the tumor and her entire right lung.