Aubrey Plaza's filmmaker husband, Jeff Baena, was found dead at age 47 in their Los Angeles home. The couple had a 14-year relationship and secretly tied the knot during the COVID-19 lockdown. Aubrey revealed that they considered having a baby but decided against it due to the state of the world. Jeff's death was a suicide, resulting in Aubrey facing death threats from the LGBTQ+ community over their marriage.
Key Points
Aubrey and Jeff shared a private and loving relationship for 14 years
They secretly tied the knot during the COVID-19 lockdown
Aubrey revealed they considered starting a family but decided against it
Jeff faced death threats from the LGBTQ+ community after their marriage
Jeff Baena's death was confirmed as a suicide
Strong and lasting relationship between Aubrey Plaza and Jeff Baena
Successful collaboration on multiple film projects