José Luis Escobar Hoyos, a former teenage punk, started a project called Kings Punks to collect and distribute toys for children living on the streets in Mexico City on Three Kings Day. The project emphasizes mutual support and solidarity, with volunteers from the punk community participating in the gift drive. The initiative has expanded to include migrant encampments, with volunteers bringing joy to children through gifts, wrestling bouts, and piñata bashing.
Key Points
José Luis Escobar Hoyos started Kings Punks to distribute toys to children on Three Kings Day
Volunteers from the punk community participate in the gift drive, emphasizing mutual support and solidarity
The initiative has expanded to include migrant encampments, spreading joy through gifts, wrestling bouts, and piñata bashing
Promotes mutual support and solidarity within the punk community
Brings joy and gifts to children living on the streets and in migrant encampments
Encourages volunteerism and giving back to the community
Some may view punk culture negatively and misunderstand the intention of the project