Rising credit card balances and a record number of people making only minimum payments signal growing financial strain for consumers. In the third quarter of 2024, 10.75% of active credit card accounts paid only the minimum balance, the highest rate in 12 years, reflecting increasing reliance on credit cards amid higher costs for merchandise and inflation. Revolving credit card balances hit $645 billion, representing 71% of total card balances, with delinquencies also rising. Higher Fed rates have made it more expensive for consumers to carry balances, tightening credit access as banks adopt stricter lending standards.
Key Points
10.75% of active credit card accounts paid only the minimum balance in the third quarter of 2024, the highest rate in 12 years.
Revolving credit card balances reached $645 billion, representing 71% of total card balances.
Credit card defaults are at the highest levels since 2010, reflecting financial strain on consumers.
Higher Federal Reserve rates have made it more expensive for consumers to carry balances and tightened credit access.
Provides insight into the financial strain on consumers due to rising credit card balances and increased reliance on credit cards.
Highlights the impact of higher costs for merchandise, inflation, and higher interest rates on consumer behavior.
Reveals concerning trends such as record-high minimum payments, revolving credit balances, and credit card defaults.