Palmerston and Larry: British Government Cats

Palmerston, the former chief mouser for the U.K.'s Foreign Commonwealth Office, is back on the job as a feline relations consultant in Bermuda after enjoying retirement. Larry the Cat serves as the Chief Mouser at No. 10 Downing St., the residence of Britain's prime minister. Despite occasional catfights, the bureaucracy cats share a sense of duty and love of sunshine.

Key Points

  • Palmerston is back on the job as a feline relations consultant in Bermuda
  • Larry the Cat serves as the Chief Mouser at No. 10 Downing St.
  • Both cats have a history of public service and have been united by a shared sense of duty


  • Palmerston and Larry provide joy and entertainment in government roles
  • Their shared sense of duty and service is admirable


  • Occasional public catfights between the bureaucracy cats